Thursday, March 26, 2015

Reflection on lesson planning

Reflection on lesson planning:

The 3 lesson plans in unit 7 were based on the English Language Arts Standard for writing- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.3.B
“Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, and description, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.”

 I focused on the following objectives for my lessons in order to achieve these student performances:
Ø SWBAT discover the difference between direct and indirect dialogue used in writing.
Ø SWBAT create character identities through dialogue.
Ø SWBAT write detailed directions to communicate an experience
Ø SWBAT incorporate pacing to develop plot events in a story using a story mountain
Ø SWBAT create a story using descriptive words and pacing.

The 21st century skills framework requires “the development of core academic subject knowledge and understanding among all students.” (P21). My lesson plans were designed for students in the Learning support Study skills program to be able to access requirements in their core subjects. Although these students are in the regular language classes they need assistance to fill the gaps due to varied learning needs to be on par with the grade level students. As the 21st Century framework requires essential skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration to enable student success, on analyzing my learning plans I noted the following:


Creativity & Innovation requires that students use a wide range of idea creation techniques. In my lessons the students are required to create a small moment story with dialogue, description and pacing to communicate a story where prompts are given to assist their thinking. Although the framework requires them to “Create new and worthwhile ideas (both incremental and radical concepts)”(P21),considering their needs  firstly having the prompts from the narrative grid will give them a head start however I could also be limiting their creativeness if they had more ideas than the  prompts and if they were asked to something new altogether. I could have also included peer review for their final product for the purposes of refining and analyzing to improve their creative efforts.

Another aspect of the creativity and innovation is that students are able to communicate their creativity with others and be open to feedback and input.


There were two group activities that the students were able to communicate their creativity with one another. In lesson one they developed a dialog between two characters and presented it to class. In lesson two they will pair up once again to write detailed directions to communicate to their partner how to make a burger. They will be able to discuss what details they missed out on when working on the directions.      However I think giving them a more open ended task for the summative with specific guidelines would help them to further develop their originality.

 I would like to help them to understand that “failure is an opportunity to learn & creativity and innovation is a long-term, cyclical process of small successes and frequent mistakes” (P21)after the summation of the activities. Many students are fearful of creativity as they would feel a failure. I would want to encourage them to be fearless in this area.

·        Critical Thinking and Problem Solving is also an area that I have focused in these lessons. I developed the critical thinking process on the following lines of student performances throughout the three lessons :

The areas of student performances I concentrated on were:
·         -Knowledge: Students will be able to discover the difference between direct and indirect dialogue.
·         -Comprehension: Students will be able to describe using detail to communicate an experience.
·         -Application: Students will be able to apply the process of pacing and dialog to write narratives.
·         -Synthesis: Students will be able to create a small moment story using descriptive words, dialog and pacing.

The objective in my second lesson was to write detailed directions to communicate and experience. I believe through the tactile learning experiment they will be able to comprehend that detail in description is necessary in writing.
In addition another of my objectives in my third lesson was that students will be able to apply pacing and details to a create small moment writing task. Part of critical thinking is to reflect critically on learning experiences and processes. Even as students are guided through this activity I would expect them to listen – think- feel and understand through the visuals and videos how in reality they would feel when reading a story. Hopefully this will filter into their writing when they are asked to apply their knowledge in using dialogue, description and pacing in their summative task present their understanding through the creation of a short story which will be presented in written form and digital media. They would have to problem solve with non-familiar problems in both conventional and innovative ways when they work with digital media.

It is important that in these lessons that the students know that writing is a complex system that involves many parts to have an overall outcome. Even as the 21st century framework defines this as “Use systems thinking- Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems”- (P21)
  I need to ensure that at the culminating activity I address this and ask that students to write a small reflection on the process of creative writing and what they learned.
         Communication and Collaboration in The 21st century skill framework requires
Use communication for a range of purposes (e.g. to inform, instruct, motivate and persuade).
-Utilize multiple media and technologies, and know how to judge their effectiveness a priori as well as assess their impact.-Communicate effectively in diverse environments (including multi-lingual)” (P21)


In considering the above and understanding that the students in the classroom today are digital natives ,it is important to recognize as rapid changes are happening in the world of technology using it wisely in the classroom can bring in another dimension to learning. In my lesson plans my instruction would be mainly through power points, videos and digital applications. All my lesson instructions were done on a power point to enable student understanding visually. The videos were incorporated as an auditory and visually learning tool. Hence I could say I have used media and technology skills to inform, instruct & motivate my students. Varying the technology is important to assess its effectiveness. In my lesson plans the students use the storyboard in a summative assessment to create a story.I would think of incorporating more technology in formative assessments in the next line of lessons.

 I would also explore further in time to come in incorporating relevant technology to enhance student learning as the students and I gain gradual confidence in its use.

            In communication in the 21st century skills frame work it requires students to “Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.” (P21)In my lesson plans student communication has been worked into a class summing up activity where students present a dialog.In lesson 1, they present it with expression to communicate a cartoon dialog they created. In lesson 2 the students read directions to a partner to complete making a burger thus communication will be once again encouraged in this activity.


Overall I believe there are some aspects I still need to incorporate into my lesson plans as noted earlier such as peer review, more open ended creative tasks, reflections & varied technology in their lessons to build a more comprehensive learning to prepare them for the 21st century complex life and work environments.


P21. (n.d.). P21. Retrieved 3 22, 2015, from Partnership for 21st Century Skills:


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