Sunday, December 7, 2014



What are Educational Objectives?
Communicating of objectives for student learning enables students to make connections between what they do in class and instructional learning. The objectives should be clear and define the outcome of a activity. They enable the student to demonstrate mastery of skill. Hence the objectives should be Specific, Precise, Tangible, Concrete, Measurable

There are four main components of Educational Objectives that begin with the end in mind: The ABCD method of writing educational objectives helps to assure that all the critical components are included.
A-     Audience
B-     Behavior
C-     Condition
D-    Degree
A= Audience  - Knowing what  and who the participants are and what is expected from them
B =Behavior [ What should the learner be able to do as a result of – article, self-study, workshop]
-Cognitive domain is dealing with intellectual abilities
-Affective domain relates to the expression of feelings- such as emotions fears , interests, attitudes, beliefs, values
-Psychomotor Domain is Motor Skills -hands on courses, use of tools or instruments
All of these three domains are hierarchical- Fundamental- mastery- Complex
C= Condition- What conditions the instructor will impose when learners demonstrate mastery of skill
when or while statement[ I’ll give 20 min for this task]
D= Degree- standard for judging the behavioral Performance- speed, accuracy, quality, quantity.

Technology enhances this process by helping students to organize, clarify, and communicate
learning objectives. Technology also provides teachers with access to resources that can help them to identify and refine standards and objectives. When using technology to set learning objectives there are a variety of instructional tools to consider. Word processing applications, organizing and brainstorming software, Data collection and analysis tools, database and reference resources, instructional Media, instructional interactive, and communication and collaboration software.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

In Bloom’s Taxonomy, learning activities range from simple, factual recall of material to the application and evaluation of concepts. Technology can be used to provide immediate feedback for practice and as a tool for analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information.

Technology that can be incorporated in these 6 cognitive domains when considering objectives for lessons.

Level 1: Recall of information: Match, list, define, arrange, label ,name, order, reproduce
Recitation (Word Processing, Mind map, flashcards, presentation tools)
Quiz/Test (Online tools, Word Processing (local – Word,  Open Office or online – Google Documents, 
Definition (Word Processing – bullets and lists,Google Documents, simple Mind maps, wiki, Moodle 
Fact (Word Processing – bullets and lists, Mind maps, internet, discussion boards, email)
Worksheet/book (Word Processing, Mind map, Web, clozed activities)
List (Word Processing – bullets and lists, Mind map, Web publishing – personal web page, blog journal)
Bookmarking internet browsers using favourites and bookmarks, web 2.0 tools
Social Networking - facebook, myspaces, bebo, twitter, diigo,
Basic Searches - search engines, (google, excite, ask, yahoo, metacrawler etc.) (Penney)

Level 2; Understanding- Interpret information in one’s own words-
Classify, discuss, describe, explain, review, report, restate
Summary (Word Processing, Mind map, web publishing, Simple DTP products – blog journals & simple page construction collaborative documents, wiki)
Explanation (Word Processing, Mind map, blog journals & simple page construction collaborative documents, wiki)
Show and tell (Word Processing, presentation – online & desktop based, graphics, audio tools - audacity sound recorder & podcasting tools, video tools, Mind map)
Blog journaling - blog lines, blogger etc.
Diary/Journal (blogging, Myspaces, Bebo, facebook, bloglines, blogger, ning)
Categorizing and tagging - Delicious etc.
Tagging, comments & annotating - -noticeboards, discussion boards, threaded discussions,
adobe acrobat reader, blog readers, firefox, zotero

Level 3: Applying- Use knowledge or generalization in a new situation
Demonstrate, prepare, schedule, 
choose Illustration (Corel, inkscape, Paint, online tools,
Comic creation tools - comic life, historic tale construction kit, hyper comic)
Simulation (Floor map, graphic tools, google  sketchup, Crocodile software simulating science experiments, Global conflict - Palestine )
Sculpture or Demonstration (Presentation, graphics, screen capture, audio and video conferencing)
Presentation - impress,  PowerPoint, Google presentation,  skype, interactive whiteboard collaboration using etools, audio and video conferencing
Interview (Word Processing, mind mapper, podcast, vodcast, audacity, sound recorder, collaboration using etools, skype)
Performance (Podcast, vodcast, film, audio and video conferencing, audio recording, speech, Powerpoint 
Editing - video and sound tools, Wiki editing, Developing a shared document(Penney)

Level 4: Analyzing- Break don knowledge parts and show relationship among parts
Differentiate, discriminate, analyze, calculate, experiment,  catergorize, question, survey
Survey & process (Web based tools – Google survey ,survey monkey, embedded polls and votes, social networking tools etc., Word Processing, Spreadsheet, email, discussion boards, cellphones and texting)
Abstract (Word Processing, web publishing)                             
Relationship mind maps - Herring or fish bone mind maps, SWOT Analysis Venn,
Questions - Inspiration, kidspiration, smart ideas,Mindmapper, freemind 
Report (Word Processing, spreadsheet, presentation, web publishing – web page or blog entry, Graph (Spreadsheet, digitizer, online graphing tools)
Spreadsheet & Processing (Calc, excel, online spreadsheet tools)
Checklist (Word Processing, survey tools, online polls, Spreadsheet)
Chart (Spreadsheet, mind mapping tools online tools -)

Level 5: Evaluating- Making judgments based on criteria and standards.
Appraise, assess, evaluate, predict, estimate, argue
Debate or panel discussion (Word Processing - WP, sound recorder, podcasting .)
Mind mapping - inspiration, free mind,email, Discussion boards, video and Phone conferencing 
Report or Evaluation (WP or web published – Report, blog entry, wiki entry, web page,Presentation, Camera)
Investigation (Internet, Online tools, camera,  GIS[Google earth, Google Maps, Flickr])
Persuasive speech (WP, Sound recorder, reasonable -argument software, Mind map)
Critical Commenting, moderating reviewing posting - discussion boards, forums, blog, wiki's, twitter, threaded discussions, bulletin boards, chatrooms
Collaborating: discussion boards, forums, blog, wiki's, twitter, threaded discussions, bulletin boards, chatrooms, video conferencing, chatrooms, instant messaging, txt and pxt messaging, video messaging audio conferencing
Networking - social networking tools, audio and video conferencing, email threads, telecommunications, instant messaging.

Level 6: Creating- Bring together parts of knowledge to form a whole and build relationships for new situations.
Arrange, construct, design, assemble, organize, write.

Film (Movie maker, iMovie, Adobe premier elements Online tools,,,, )
Presentation (presentation tools - Powerpoint, Impress, Prezi  presentation tool, Photo story,Google present.
Comic creation tools – comic life, hypercomic, online tools )
Story (Word Processing - WP or web published – mixbooks etc., Presentation, podcasting, photostory, voicethread, Comic creation tools)
Blogging/vlogging - Blogging tool, blogger, wordpress, edublogs, classroom blogmiester, bloglines voicethread, skype,
Plan(Inspiration,free mind, Word Processing, Calendar)
Model (Sketchup, Blender, autocad)
Song (finale notepad, WP, Sound recorder, Audacity, podcasting, recording narration)

Works Cited

Penney, S. (n.d.). Blooms Revised Taxonomy. Retrieved 12 6, 2014, from Blooms Revised Taxonomy:
Howard Pitler, E. R. (2014, December 7). Using Technology with Classroom instruction that works - 2nd Edition. USA. (2014, 12 7). Educational Goals and Objectives.

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