Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Teacher Evaluations

"...teacher evaluations must be about improving teaching, not just rating teachers." —AFT president Randi Weingarten –

As stated in the quote as I prepare for teaching in the future and will be subjected to teacher evaluations throughout my teaching career what I would most appreciate from my mentors or observers would be feedback on how well he thinks the students grasped the content, whether my teaching tools were effective in delivering the content and how best I can improve my interaction with the students to motivate them to work effectively in the classroom.

Looking into teacher evaluation systems in the U.S , the district of Ohio uses the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System. It is used by school districts to provide the teachers a detailed performance report that focus on the specifics of teacher strengths and how the teacher can improve. The teacher ratings will be as follows
Based on the evaluation, teachers receive one of four ratings.

According to the Ohio Teacher evaluation system, the teachers are evaluated on two components weighted at 50percent on each section.
1.       Teacher performance rating,
Based on A professional growth plan, two 30 minute observations and walk through
2.       Student academic growth rating.

There’s now a -New Alternative Framework  
1. Where the teacher performance rating is weighted at 42.5 percent, determined from:   
  A professional growth plan, two 30 minute observations & walk through;
2. Student academic growth rating, weighted at 42.5 percent
3. Alternative component from the list below, using a instruments such as; Student surveys; Teacher self-evaluations; Peer review evaluations; or Student portfolios.

Another teacher evaluation system is the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC): Model Core Teaching Standards:

According to the NEA Teacher Evaluation guide the InTASC offers a set of model core teaching standards that outline what teachers should know and be able to do to ensure every K-12 student reaches the goal of being ready to enter college or the workforce in today’s world.

These teaching standards have been based on research and exemplify effective teaching and learning in a transformed public education system—this is a system that:

•   Empowers every learner to take ownership of his or her own learning.
•   Emphasizes the learning of content and application of knowledge and skills to real world        problems.
•   Values the differences each learner brings to the learning experience
•   Leverages rapidly changing learning environments by recognizing the possibilities they         bring to maximize learning and engage learners. (Association, N. E. )

There are ten model core teaching standards covered in this model;
Standard #1: Learner Development.
Standard #3: Learning Environments.
Standard #2: Learning Differences.
Standard #4: Content Knowledge.
Standard #5: Application of Content.
Standard #6: Assessment.
Standard #7: Planning for Instruction.
Standard #8: Instructional Strategies.
Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice.
Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration.

The Danielson Framework that is aligned to the Intasc standards is composed of 4 main domains within which there are 22 components;
1   1.      Planning and preparation
2   2.    Class room environment
3   3.   Instruction
4   4 Professional responsibilities.

Each component has a distinct aspect of a domain. The levels of teaching performance describe each component and provide a road map for improvement of teaching. The Framework maybe used for school, district mentoring, coaching, professional development, and teacher evaluation processes, thus linking all those activities together and helping teachers become more thoughtful practitioners.( Group, T. D. 2013)
I believe this frame work is much easier to use for assessment as it is separated into the specific domains therefore the teacher will be able to assess the area needing improvement easily work towards it.

 Finally in my school the Overseas School of Colombo, the teachers are evaluated once every year. The year begins with teachers setting SMART goals that are aligned with school curriculum policies. These goals are then discussed and approved by Department Heads and the Secondary School Principal. There are informal and formal observations done by Department Heads of specific subjects, the Secondary School Principal and the Head of School during the course of the year. The observations and feedback is given at the teacher’s year end goals meeting. Achievement of the goals and performance rates are used to give salary increments.  I believe using a rubric like the Danielson Framework although might be time consuming will be an effective tool to use for teacher observations and evaluations throughout the year, so that the teachers can receive specific feedback on their teaching strengths and weaknesses and keep it on record for improvement.

Works Cited

Association, N. E. (n.d.). Teacher Evaluation. National Education Association.
Education, O. D. (n.d.). Ohio Teacher Evaluation Systems. Retrieved July 14, 2015, from Ohio Department of Education: http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Educator-Evaluation-System/Ohio-s-Teacher-Evaluation-System
Group, T. D. (2013). The Framework. Retrieved July 10, 2015, from The Danielson Group: https://danielsongroup.org/framework/
Teachers, T. A. (n.d.). Teacher Development and Evaluation. Retrieved July 10, 2015, from AFT-- A union of professionals: http://www.aft.org/position/teacher-development-and-evaluation

Sunday, July 5, 2015


The Lesson Unit in Module 5 is based on the following standard 
STANDARD: Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events.

The end goal of the unit would be that the students be able to incorporate sensory language in descriptive writing tasks such as small moment writing tasks of personal experiences and writing stories to convey experiences.

However before this unit begins a pre assessment of student prior knowledge is required to differentiate the work according to student readiness, make it appropriately challenging and address their learning styles. Hence pre assessments are an absolute necessity to meet the needs of the diverse classroom. Learning is multidimensional and through the pre assessment it will help me understand the learners are multidimensional as well. Hence as Lorna Earl (2003) notes, “if teachers know a precise learning destination and consistently check to see where students are relative to that destination, differentiation isn't just an option; it's the logical next step in teaching” (Tomlinson)
For this lesson unit the weekly objectives will be:

 - SWBAT Identify vocabulary used to express detail in all five areas of sensory language
 - SWBAT Write descriptive phrases using sensory language to describe pictures, objects & small moment experiences.
SWBAT write a story based on a short video using vocabulary representing all five sensory language areas.

Hence my pre assessment will be based on
  • -         Student recognition of sensory language and descriptive detail in texts.
  • -         Student understanding of the types of sensory language.

I will use “Kahoot” to assess student understanding in my first lesson. The “kahoot” quiz taker will engage all students into the lesson. It is game based and they will be immediately engaged as it promotes a competitive spirit to do their best to answer the questions. While students answer I will take note of students who have difficulty answering the questions. I will take note of those who find it difficult to comprehend the question, those who cannot respond immediately and those with inaccurate answers. Since there are only 4 students in this class the “Kahoot” can be used effectively by monitoring the responses. However I do not think I’ll use it for a bigger class as the monitoring of responses will be difficult. The link to kahoot https://create.kahoot.it/#quiz/4b9f68ca-2866-46c1-94f1-d67fa06bae18

Once the pre assessment is completed I will separate the groups as reflected in the mind map below. It can be accessed on the following link- https://www.mindmeister.com/559408816

Group 1 :The students who answered the most, including the most difficult of the pre assessment;
These students can explore the other techniques used for descriptive writing such as using metaphors, similes and personification.
They will be given to research on metaphors, similes and personification. Come up with their examples after practicing on Quizlet

Thereafter they can be given "Take Metaphors to School" activity. It'll be a fun and funny exercise where I will have them compose a poem using only metaphors to describe a day in school. Maybe they can begin by describing class mates , the teacher or classes.

Following these activities an assessment can be given where students will be pushed forward to be appropriately challenged. 

They can be assessed through a class blog.The students will be asked to write in a class blog on a “small moment” that they experienced incorporating descriptive detail into their writing. As the end goal in this unit is to develop descriptive writing the students with their current knowledge of descriptive terms can apply it in their writing in order to develop it further in the coming lessons.They can peer edit each other’s writing to improve their skills further.

Group 2: The majority students who have some knowledge about the topic as shown in their score will be given the Edpuzzle https://edpuzzle.com/media/5541b244212df39f35dd5d4b
They will watch this You tube video on the narration of the Polar Express with much descriptive detail and answer the questions embedded into the video by the teacher. I developed the questions in this video. The students do not need monitoring as they cannot skip questions they have to listen to the whole video clip. The answers and progress made can be viewed by the teacher.
This group can also be given pictures to write descriptive sentences on it. They can choose a picture they like and use it to develop a short  descriptive passages.

Thereafter this group of students can move onto a formative THINK- PAIR- SHARE activity: The teacher asks the question “How will you describe an object using Sensory language?” Each student will be given an object to observe and fill in an organizer with words that describe the object.
-    After each student writes what they think would be appropriate descriptions into an organizer they will share with their partner with words they came up with to describe their object.
-     The partner will listen and guess the object.
-   They will discuss and share with a partner their words and receive appropriate feedback from each other.
-They will present to the whole class their object and verbally describe their object using sensory words in descriptive phrases.

Group 3: The few students who appeared to have limited knowledge tells me that they need to identify what sensory language is and learn the vocabulary to be able to use it appropriately in sentences. I would station myself with this group and will begin by doing an introductory activity a station where smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing can be described. Students will smell perfume, spices, touch objects that are rough or smooth ,use earphones and a player to listen to a variety of sounds, have a few tasting bowls that‘s salty, bitter, sour, sweet etc. and encourage them to come  with words to describe. This sensory activity will enable their learning styles and expand their vocabulary.
Thereafter they can be given a vocabulary Quizlet activity to learn new words, they can be given cloze sentences to choose appropriate vocabulary will help them first learn the terms and its application context in sentences.

Finally then can do a small formative assessment in a lesson with a Carousel brain storming where they work in 2 groups to categorize a mix of sensory language vocabulary in to the 5 senses. They will work on poster paper and each group can review the other group and see whether they have hit the mark with the categorization and give suggestions.

Thus the pre assessment in this unit will benefit all learners to be appropriately academically challenged in the learning.

Works Cited

Tomlinson, Carol Ann. "Learning to Love Assessment." Educational Leadership- ASCD December- January 2007/- 2008 : Vol 65/No 4.