Teachers setting norms and
procedures in a classroom environment, no matter at what level or subject they
teach bring consistency, order and predictability into a classroom. It is
essential for behavior management and smooth academic instruction. I would like
to focus on setting the following procedures and expectations in a learning
support classroom where students who are receiving pull out and push in support
gather for remedial skill support.
Establishing expectations
on the first day of school.
-I would welcome students
at the door and address them by name.
- Class room should be
organized in every aspect. The reading corner, Math material access, silent
reading books , stationery-should have specific places with easy access for
students.- as students should walk into an organized classroom to convey my organizational
expectations to them.
-Have allocated seating
for each student for the first day. This will change as I get to know the students
and what peer seating would support them in their learning.
-Discuss with them their
expectations of me and my expectations of the students. This will let them know
that I’m interested in what they expect from me as their teacher and that I would
co- partner in their learning.
-My Expectations-
Ensure that the Homework
Diary is brought to every class
Attendance and punctuality
is essential.[Unless communicated in writing by parent]
How to ask for help would
be discussed. Raising the hand to answer or seek help would be acceptable
behavior. Calling out, shouting out answers will be inappropriate. I would do a
mock activity and communicate this by acknowledging those who wait their turn
and model positive behavior.
Students will be shown how to navigate around the room to access
what they need. Every area of the class will be discussed and shown where &
when they can get what they need without having to ask the teacher.
Modeling respectful behavior, the tone of voice we use, respecting
opinions and including all students in activities will be discussed.
Procedures for general classroom room routines:
At the beginning of class:
-Post a schedule for the
day and the approximate time on each task will be posted on the board/projected
on a screen.
-The task will be briefly
introduced and the student queries will be answered.
-All students will begin
the class by going through their diaries.
Acceptable use of technology:
The students will be asked
to keep all computers and electronics closed or in bags until required.
When working on computers
the teacher will be observing whether they are on task.
Consequences of not being
on task will be addressed.
Using earphones only for
task related activities will be explained
Listening to music will be
allowed only for students that the teacher thinks would benefit can use it.
Posters will be posted in
class as reminders of laptop usage and reinforced while working on tasks.
Whole class and small group instruction:
Students will be asked to use a quiet voice in discussions.
Respecting peer opinions and involving everyone in the group for
the task is essential.
Raising the hand to signal for attention.
Seat Work
State the allocated time for the activity
Students will sit in their assigned seats or groups.
Due dates and home work will be noted on their diaries and will be
checked by the teacher if noted correctly.
Breaks during class:
-Bathroom breaks are
allowed only for an absolute emergency.
-The students will have
desk caddies with pencils, erasers, rulers for use.
- All students should have
portable bottles of water or drink water before coming to class.
-A student feeling unwell
can visit the nurse on a teacher note.
Use of Materials
Ensure they are sharpened
when students arrive. Sharpening pencils during instruction or activity time is
not allowed.
- Students can use other
stationery supplies when required in activities.
End of class
- Discuss homework
submission and if not done appropriate consequence given.
-Students do not leave or
pack up until the teacher dismisses them.
Non Negotiable Rules
Fire drill rules have to be adhered to. No talking, walking in a
line and assembling in the field is a requirement.
Lock down rules- To go into a specified area the teacher directs
and stay quiet until called out.
Running on wet corridors on a rainy day will be not be acceptable.
I would like to have the
same standards stated by Tory
Klemensten-“Be productive from bell
to bell, Respect yourself and others, Listen during instruction and discussion."-(Joyce
McLeod,2003)to go by in my class.
Joyce McLeod, J. F. (2003). The Key Elementsof
Classroom Management. In J. F. Joyce McLeod, The Key Elements of Classroom
Management (pp. 74-108). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.